The purpose of this blog is to respond to an assistive technology course I am taking at Acadia University.
My hope is to provide some information about assistive technology and the improvements it can make
to a student's life.

Friday, July 9, 2010

AT from a student's perspective

During today’s assistive technology class I learned how important it is to think of assistive technology from a student’s perspective. We were asked to use Proloquo2Go on the iPod Touch for students who had limited verbal communication skills. I had to think about how Proloquo2Go could help a male, grade 6 student. It is clear that one of the challenges of using assistive technology is trying to predict different environments and situations where a student would need help communicating. You also have to think about the needs of the individual student, such as their vision, motor control, cognitive ability and wiliness to use new technologies.

Proloquo2Go is a fantastic application that can be purchased on the iTunes store but there are also a huge number of educational apps that are great for students and a lot of them are free. In my next post I will feature some free apps, so stay tuned.

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